You’re probably reading this article today because you’re perhaps a single parent, or someone you’re thinking of dating is one themselves. However, one thing about your potential partner that you’re not quite sure about is how they aren’t quite free and single.
If the person you have a romantic interest in is currently separated and has told you they are going to get a divorce, you’re likely feeling nervous about their situation and for understandable reasons.
For example, what happens if they change their mind about you when you’re at a committed level with them in the relationship? With this in mind, here’s how to date someone that’s about to get divorced:
Reassure Yourself Of Their Intentions
The first thing you must do is reassure yourself of your potential partner’s intentions. Are they looking to get into a long-term relationship with you, or are they simply looking for a friend “with benefits”?
Either option might be fine with you, but you must both be honest with each other about what you both ultimately want from one another. Don’t assume they want a committed relationship when all they want is some fun in bed.
Offer To Help With The Divorce Proceedings
There’s no denying that divorces aren’t the most pleasant of things to deal with in life – especially when children are part of them.
Your potential partner is likely feeling a broad range of emotions regarding their impending divorce, how they are feeling about their former spouse, and the effect it might have on their children.
You can help them with their divorce in different ways. For example, you could assist by finding a reputable family law firm – https://www.bestlawaz.com/ is one such example.
Take Things Slowly
Your partner is coming out of what they thought was a serious and life-long marriage with their spouse. They will need time to readjust to being single again and doing the dating thing!
That’s why it makes sense to take proceedings slowly with your potential partner. You can spend lots of time together, getting to know one another properly, and maybe even going on short vacations together to have some fun in different surroundings.
Don’t pledge your life for that person within just a few weeks of seeing them, or tell them that you should both get married once their divorce gets finalized!
Talk About Your Future Together
If you both decide to have a committed relationship with each other, now is the time to talk about where you see yourselves in the future. But, be honest with each other – don’t keep any thoughts or concerns to yourself.
Allow Your New Partner Time To Grieve
Last but not least, getting a divorce is a very complex matter and part of the process involves grieving over the loss of your relationship. Keep those facts in mind if you plan to enter a relationship with someone that’s currently going through a divorce.
Even if their former relationship was toxic, they will likely still have strong feelings for the person that’s no longer an active part of their lives. Take a look at https://www.helpguide.org/ for more information.
What other tips would you give to someone who is dating someone that is about to get divorced? Let me know in the comments below!