Whether it’s learning to look after yourself better or not sweat the small stuff, there are lessons we learn in life when it is too late. And life is a continuous learning experience. While some lessons in life come from experience, there are some that we should learn early on. This is for the very simple reason that we can have a better life. What are some of the best things we should learn at a young age so we can benefit later in life?
Health Should Be a Priority
“At least you have your health,” goes the expression. Because we can bounce back pretty quickly after a hangover, or not feel the results of a night at the gym so bad, we feel we are indestructible. But it’s pushing ourselves through the wringer when we are younger that actually shows up later in life. Whether it’s going to gigs without adequate hearing protection and ending up with a premature hearing loss or consuming too much alcohol, resulting in health problems a few years down the line, your health needs to be a priority. And no matter how much success you have in other aspects of your life, if you don’t have your health as a priority, you won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
You Need To Believe in Yourself Because Nobody Else Will (Initially)
There will always be supportive people in your lives. But, if you do not believe in yourself and determine yourself as a worthy and capable human being, it’s very unlikely others will. It’s your bloody mindedness alone that will determine your perceived success or failure in the world. And it’s not about being selfish, but it is about learning to love yourself. If you are someone who needs reassurance or support, you’ve got to learn how to truly care for yourself. And this means preserving some aspects of your life.
Do Not Compare Yourself to Others
Just because someone achieved greatness at the age of 23 doesn’t mean that they will maintain this greatness forever. Everybody has their own journey and their own timeline. You can be jealous because you are not at their level. But the fact of the matter is that things come and go. Comparing yourself to others can eat away at you. But, more importantly, it can distract you from focusing on your own journey. Stop comparing yourself to others now, and focus on what you want to achieve. It will be far better for you because you are the only person you have control over.
They say that youth is wasted on the young, but it might be worth getting some perspective. When you start to look at the main regrets of the dying, a lot of them are to do with regrets and not sweating the small stuff. And it’s these lessons that we may already know. But it’s about having the courage to do something about it now that will make a big difference to the rest of our lives.
What lessons do you think you should have learned while you were younger? Let me know in the comments below!